GUI (Yin Water) is the last Stem.
Associated with Middle Winter 中東, direction of North, Trigram Kan Water, kidney, sexual energy, brain, blood.
Yin water is imaged as mist, fog, light rain, tiny particles of water, or air. Gui is a shapeshifter, working through renewal, evaporating and recycling. With its head in the clouds, it rules the realm of ideas, intuition, and intellect.
Gui sees multiple perspectives and is here to take in the ideas of the future and bring them into the present. It does this with the gift of intuitive perception and sensitivity to an inner eye—one that has the ability to see or hear the other side of the veil.
Gui is a sensitive channel, here to translate messages from the heavenly realms into a form that resonates with all. What is your message? What is your medium? How can you articulate and give form to the intangible? How can you feel something that's never been fully expressed and transmit it in a way people can receive? It’s okay if it’s only to acknowledge and understand it for yourself. You are a true artist. Your infinite nature runs as far as the ocean mist.
In Yin Water, our dreams are no less important than our realities. Our instinct and creativity must lead the way, and life comes easily to us when we feel calm without the need to fight. Strong in will yet gentle in appearance, Gui remains a mystery to most. While it is easy to conform or take shape of the environment around you, remember your own power. Don't get caught up in one way. You are meant to change with the seasons.
When Gui Qi is abundant, new ideas come easily. Trust your instinct. Power takes on many forms, and in embracing your movements, the calm and gentleness of the mist will form your destiny. When Gui Qi is poor, you are flooded with adrenaline and stress, living in fear, prone to fits of despair, anger, depression, easily feeling discouraged and powerless.
Be like air: free moving, unattached, present, perceptive, and unable to be caught or formed. Although your thinking mind might convince you otherwise, your essence whispers the dance of surrendering to uncertainty like droplets of water caught in the wind.